Office Hours: Everything to Know about Affiliate Programs and E-Comm - REPLAY

Office Hours: Everything to Know about Affiliate Programs and E-Comm - REPLAY
Did you miss this live workshop series? Now’s your chance to catch up!
By purchasing the replay on the most informational Office Hours to date, you’ll get access to watch recordings and view PDF recaps of live calls with EIGHT editors and affiliate marketing experts. They shared many insights and details on how to pitch products to publications’ e-comm divisions, how these programs work, how and why to get clients set up on affiliate networks, and where the industry as a whole is going in this space.
The eight guests on this series covered the following topics, and more:
The process for how e-commerce/affiliate stories are planned at major publishing companies
An inside look at e-comm content calendars
How e-comm writers and editors work, and what they’re looking for in pitches
How to know which editor to pitch products to
The preferred affiliate networks for different media brands
All about affiliate commission percentages
How small businesses can get coverage in e-comm stories without being in affiliate networks
The best way to pitch new products for consideration
How publicists can better serve e-commerce editors
How to get products included in gift guides this season
Why new brands should work with affiliate networks
Story pitches and products editors and writers are currently looking for
Back-end tutorial of ShareASale and how to get set up on this platform